
My mother had many pithy little sayings. My dad did too…but I’d rather not offend anybody.

My absolute favorite was when Mom was in her 80’s, I was in my forties, and she gave me $100 like I was five and she was slipping me a quarter on the sly.

I said, “Thank you…I’ll put it in (her grand-daughter) Nina’s college fund.

“She rolled her eyes and spit, “Ohhhhh...F*** the college fund!! Life’s short…do something nice for yourself!”

But I digress.

Some of her others were “To each his own,” “God helps those who help themselves,” “What will be…will be…,” and “You want a fat lip?”

But the one that has rung true for me personally is: “If you want something done…give it to a busy person.”

Of course she didn’t make these up herself (except probably the college fund one)...but she found them helpful and thought she’d pass them on.

But back to me.

If I have three things to get done and all day to do them, I will take all day to do them.
If I have the same things to get done on a busy day, I’ll get them done almost without thinking.

Now, if I had nothing else to do today, I could spend the next 2 hours looking for an image to compliment this blog. But I have lots to do so we’ll just go pictureless, blog's done and it's time to move-on. See how that works?

Wouldn't want a client calling to ask about their images and me having to say they’re not ready.

They might respond with, “You want a fat lip?”